Huge insect diversity revealed by genetic technologies

( —The diversity of plants, mammals and birds in Australia is well-known, but scientists have very little idea of how many hundreds of thousands of species of Australian insects exist.

Secrets of the 'mermaid's purse' explored in new study

Researchers at SF State have clarified part of the family tree of sea creatures called skates, shedding light on the evolution of a novel reproductive strategy in two skate species. Their study was published in the journal ...

Reconstructing the New World monkey family tree

When monkeys landed in South America 37 or more million years ago, the long-isolated continent already teemed with a menagerie of 30-foot snakes, giant armadillos and strange, hoofed mammals. Over time, the monkeys forged ...

Scientists describe Lavasoa Dwarf Lemur as new primate species

The island of Madagascar harbors a unique biodiversity that evolved due to its long-lasting isolation from other land masses. Numerous plant and animal species are found solely on Madagascar. Lemurs, a subgroup of primates, ...

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