Study reveals California meteorite's rough and tumble journey

( —A meteorite that fell onto the roof of a house in Novato, California, on Oct. 17, 2012, has revealed a detailed picture of its origin and tumultuous journey through space and Earth's atmosphere. An international ...

Ancient Egyptians accessorized with meteorites

Researchers at The Open University (OU) and The University of Manchester have found conclusive proof that Ancient Egyptians used meteorites to make symbolic accessories.

Space scientists find way to monitor elusive collisions in space

( —Many collisions occur between asteroids and other objects in our solar system, but scientists are not always able to detect or track these impacts from Earth. The "rogue debris" created by such collisions can ...

Curtin geologists make a 'shocking' discovery

Research led by Curtin University geologists has uncovered a wealth of new evidence in the mineral zircon from lunar rock samples recovered during NASA’s Apollo missions, revealing indisputable proof of meteorite collisions ...

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