Radiography of marine litter in Spanish waters

Marine litter is a growing problem in the Mediterranean Sea, but few studies have focused on its composition, spatial distribution and temporal evolution. Now, a new study reveals that plastics are the main component in Spanish ...

Determining the composition of microplastic in water

Physicists from Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University have developed and applied a method of identifying microplastic collected in sea waters. The spectroscopy method determines the chemical composition of contaminants ...

Marine debris study counts trash from Texas to Florida

Trash, particularly plastic, in the ocean and along the shoreline is an economic, environmental, human health, and aesthetic problem causing serious challenges to coastal communities around the world, including the Gulf of ...

Study shows how mussels handle microplastic fiber pollution

New research shows that mussels readily take in microplastic pollution fibers from the ocean but quickly flush most of them out again, according to a study by researchers from Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. The findings ...

Microplastics pollution in Falklands as high as UK

The first study to investigate microplastics around Ascension Island and the Falkland Islands—two of the most remote locations in the South Atlantic Ocean—has found levels of contamination comparable with the waters around ...

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