Published for the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Marine Mammal Science is a source of significant new findings on marine mammals resulting from original research on their form and function, evolution, systematics, physiology, biochemistry, behavior, population biology, life history, genetics, ecology and conservation. The journal features both original and review articles, notes, opinions and letters. It serves as a vital resource for anyone studying marine mammals.

Impact factor
1.611 (2011)

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Act of altruism observed in bull elephant seal

A trio of ecologists has observed for the first time, an act of altruism performed by a bull elephant seal. In their paper published in the journal Marine Mammal Science, Sarah Allen, Matthew Lau, and Sarah Codde offer photographic ...

Killer whale DNA reveals distinct ties

Scientists have discovered that populations of Australasian killer whales revolve around matrilineal ties after using DNA to determine their populations across the region.

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