Does home comfort promote complacency?

Working as a volunteer in crisis regions or in social projects, petitioning, and taking part in political debates and demonstrations - there are a lot of opportunities for civic engagement. "Such activities are important ...

Smartphones change teenagers' digital media use patterns

Teenagers who own smartphones spend more time online - also during the night, which may affect their sleep. A new University of Basel study on more than 300 students reports that teenagers' digital media use during the night ...

Immigrants less likely to commit major crimes, study says

( —The perception that immigrants are linked to crime in the United States is something that has existed for decades or longer. However, UT Dallas criminologist Alex Piquero says, that view is not supported by ...

Age and the decline in crime

( —Probation officers see firsthand the effect age has on crime. Typically, an offender will commit fewer crimes as he or she ages.  

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