Study links parental support and career success of children

A recent study finds that young people who get financial support from their parents have greater professional success, highlighting one way social inequality is transmitted from one generation to the next.

Immigrants less likely to commit major crimes, study says

( —The perception that immigrants are linked to crime in the United States is something that has existed for decades or longer. However, UT Dallas criminologist Alex Piquero says, that view is not supported by ...

Does home comfort promote complacency?

Working as a volunteer in crisis regions or in social projects, petitioning, and taking part in political debates and demonstrations - there are a lot of opportunities for civic engagement. "Such activities are important ...

Gender-affirming restrooms recommended for schools

Educational policies and practices should explicitly ensure the wellbeing and healthy development of all students by supporting the right of students to use a bathroom in an institutional context that affirms their gender ...

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