The Journal of Wildlife Diseases (JWD) is published quarterly by the Wildlife Disease Association (WDA). The WDA is an international organization of scientists, academicians, wildlife and fisheries specialists, and others whose mission is to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with humans and domestic animals.

Wildlife Disease Association

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Team tackles mysterious disease afflicting wild and captive snakes

Biologists and veterinarians across the central and eastern United States are calling on researchers at the University of Illinois to help them identify, understand and potentially treat snake fungal disease, a baffling affliction ...

Scientists team up on study to save endangered African Penguins

With less than 25,000 breeding pairs in existence today, it is an uphill battle for the African Penguin, which calls South Africa home. The 60 percent drop in their population since 2001 has put them on the endangered species ...

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