Researchers identify two new ancient mammals in Bolivia dig

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University and two other universities have discovered the 13-million-year-old fossils of a pair of new species of extinct hoofed mammals known as "litopterns" from a site in Bolivia.

New ornithomimosaur from Arkansas described

Last week, a new species of dinosaur was described in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. The dinosaur, Arkansaurus fridayi, is an ornithomimosaur the Early Cretaceous of Arkansas, and represents the first dinosaur to ...

Snakes—why did it have to be giant snakes?

Snakes are beautiful and bizarre animals. Limbless vertebrates, they have been around for more than 150 million years, and occupy almost every ecological role possible, including living under the sea!

Research on Gomphotherium

For a long time, gomphotheres are considered to be the key link in proboscidean evolution. They are deemed as the ancestral stock of the true elephantids surviving now. The origins of stegodontids, rhynchotheres and cuvieroniines ...

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