Bison ready for new pastures?

A new study from the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) demonstrates that it is possible to qualify bison coming from an infected herd as free of brucellosis ...

Risks outweigh benefits of raw meat-based diets for pets

Feeding pets raw meat has become increasingly popular, especially with the availability of more commercial products and home-prepared recipes, but it's a polarizing issue. Enthusiasts claim it's a healthier, more natural ...

Improving the way vets care for animals and people

Veterinarians, pet owners and breeders often have preconceived notions about each other, but by investigating these biases, experts at the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine hope to improve both human communication ...

Study shows drug comes up short in osteoarthritis pain relief

Morris Animal Foundation-funded researchers from the University of Georgia, have found that tramadol was ineffective in alleviating signs of pain associated with osteoarthritis in dogs. The research team published their results ...

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