Excess deuterium levels found in bones of marine mammals

Using a novel analytical technique developed at KI, the team of scientists led by Roman Zubarev found in seal bones twice as much deuterium as in sea water; extra deuterium cannot come from seals' diet.

Ion pairings change honeycomb crystal states

Tohoku University researchers have observed a rare change in the structure of a mineral-like crystal that, if controlled, could lead to the development of new functional materials. The findings were reported in the Journal ...

Asymmetry is key to creating more stable blue perovskite LEDs

Researchers from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have developed blue LEDs based on a material called metal halide perovskite, that, for the first time, uses asymmetrical bridges ...

Cu interface matters during CO2 electroreduction

It is attractive to convert CO2 into multicarbon hydrocarbons and oxygenates (C2+ products), but it is challenging to enhance the kinetics of carbon-carbon (C-C) coupling during CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR).

Blue LEDs light the way toward sustainable development

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are commonly used in the electronic displays in our TVs, smartphones, and other devices; now, researchers at the Institute of Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (ICReDD) at Hokkaido University ...

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