The Journal of Law and Economics is an academic journal published by the University of Chicago Press. It publishes articles on the economic analysis of regulation and the behavior of regulated firms, the political economy of legislation and legislative processes, law and finance, corporate finance and governance, and industrial organization. The journal is sponsored by the University of Chicago Law School.

University of Chicago Press
United States

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In China, property rights take wrong turn

China's economy, long an engine of world growth, has been sputtering lately. During the second quarter of 2024, it grew at an annual rate of 4.7%—down from an average 7% a year during the past decade. For the next two years, ...

Examining the deterrence effect of whistleblowing

Whistleblowers are not only helping to disclose immoral or criminal acts but also to deter offenders. Niels Johannesen, an economics professor from the University of Copenhagen and Tim Stolper, a former research associate ...

Politicization and prioritization in the judiciary

In "The Politics of Selecting the Bench from the Bar: The Legal Profession and Partisan Incentives to Introduce Ideology into Judicial Selection," published in the Journal of Law and Economics, Adam Bonica and Maya Sen analyze ...

Training more effective teachers through alternative pathways

In "Licensure and Worker Quality: A Comparison of Alternative Routes to Teaching," published in The Journal of Law and Economics, Tim R. Sass compares the characteristics and performance of Florida teachers who graduate from ...

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