Domestic violence disproportionately affects remarried women

Facing social and financial pressures, remarried women in Cambodia are at increased risk for domestic violence compared to first-time married, divorced or single women, Sothy Eng, Lehigh University professor of practice in ...

Study: DNA may have only modest impact on sexual assault arrests

Most arrests in sexual assault cases occur before crime laboratory results are available, a new study found, suggesting that DNA testing may influence arrests in just a small number of cases.The paper is among the first studies ...

Hispanic immigrants spank children less

Immigrant Hispanic parents spank their young children less often than U.S.-born Hispanic parents, a new University of Michigan study found.

Dating violence impedes victims' earnings

Dating violence in adolescence not only takes a physical and emotional toll on young women, it also leads to less education and lower earnings later in life, according to a first-of-its-kind study led by a Michigan State ...

Many heterosexual college males say 'That's so gay,' but why?

(—"That's so gay" is a popular expression on campuses nationwide among heterosexual students, especially young men. But why do they say it? A new University of Michigan study sheds light on this question.

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