The Journal of Human Resources is among the leading journals in empirical microeconomics. Intended for scholars, policy makers, and practitioners, each issue examines research in a variety of fields including labor economics, development economics, health economics, and the economics of education, discrimination, and retirement. Founded in 1965, the JHR features articles that make scientific contributions in research relevant to public policy practitioners.

The University of Wisconsin Press
Impact factor
2.371 (2011)

Some content from Wikipedia, licensed under CC BY-SA

Sex discrimination begins in the womb

Women in India are more likely to get prenatal care when pregnant with boys, according to groundbreaking research that has implications for girls' health and survival.

How your speech could impact your salary

Most Americans are aware that English sounds different throughout the country, and that those regional differences can contribute to widely held stereotypes. But a leading University of Chicago economist has uncovered how ...

Cash transfers, childhood development and the labor market

Nearly every country in Latin America has a conditional cash transfer program. Poor households living below the poverty line can receive government subsidies if they agree to the program's stipulations, usually a mandate ...

Increasing workplace diversity: It's simpler than you think

In the United States, nearly 90 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs are white males, while less than four percent of CEOs are African American or Hispanic. With these numbers in mind, companies are constantly trying different strategies ...

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