CEOs gamble with shareholders' money

CEOs of conglomerates are trusting heavily on their 'gut feeling' when it comes to investment decisions. A new study finds that by doing so, they are destroying shareholder value. At the cost of more rational options, CEOs ...

Study links credit default swaps, mortgage delinquencies

Researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas recently published the first empirical investigation connecting credit default swaps to mortgage defaults that helped lead to the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

How widespread is tax evasion?

Tax evasion is widely assumed to be an eternal problem for governments—but how widespread is it? For the first time, a new study, co-authored by an MIT professor, has put a cost on a particular kind of tax evasion, known ...

Not so 'evil': Finance study makes case for hedging

The overuse of financial contracts known as derivatives – which were designed to help companies hedge against risk – was widely blamed for triggering the economic crisis of 2008. None other than Warren Buffet has attacked ...

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