The main purpose of the Journal of Educational Psychology is to publish original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. A secondary purpose of the Journal is the occasional publication of exceptionally important theoretical and review articles that are pertinent to educational psychology. Please note, the Journal does not typically publish reliability and validity studies of specific tests or assessment instruments.

American Psychological Association
Impact factor
2.909 (2013)

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Surprising study results: Students are bored during exams

In the case of boredom, we think of many situations in life but intuitively not of exams. However, an international team of academics led by Thomas Götz from the University of Vienna has now studied exactly this phenomenon ...

New research uncovers hidden bias in college admissions tests

A little over two years after the College Board released research rebutting findings by an Indiana University Kelley School of Business professor concerning the board's testing methods, the professor and his colleagues have ...

New physics lessons help girls catch up

Many school pupils fail at physics because they misunderstand the fundamental concepts. A new teaching method can change this – ETH researchers have now proven its effect. It particularly helps intelligent girls to learn ...

Gender-science stereotypes persist across the world

The Netherlands had the strongest stereotypes associating science with men more than women, according to a new Northwestern University study that included data from nearly 350,000 people in 66 nations.

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