The Journal of Business Research applies theory developed from business research to actual business situations. Recognizing the intricate relationships between the many areas of business activity, JBR examines a wide variety of business decisions, processes and activities within the actual business setting. Theoretical and empirical advances in buyer behavior, finance, organizational theory and behavior, marketing, risk and insurance and international business are evaluated on a regular basis. Published for executives, researchers and scholars alike, the Journal aids the application of empirical research to practical situations and theoretical findings to the reality of the business world.

Impact factor
1.872 (2011)

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How creative are you? Study shows culture impacts creativity

With the "creative class" on the rise, many businesses are trying to capitalize on imagination and innovation. But when it comes to creative juices, some societies have a faster flow than others. That's because, as new research ...

The neuroscience of consumer choice

Like doctors diagnosing an ailment, University of Akron marketing researchers have peeked into consumers' brains to understand why some ads ring up quick sales while others don't.

Factors that determine the success of crowdfunding campaigns

Not just the characteristics of a project, but also the city in which it will be implemented and the diversity of the rewards promised to supporters are the key factors that determine the success of a crowdfunding campaign ...

Economists developed an instrument to measure brand embarrassment

It's laundry day and the only clean T-shirt sports the big logo of a brand that used to be trendy but is only embarrassing now. What can you do? Wait until the tumble dryer has finished and be too late for the date or just ...

Political posts causing social media fatigue for many Americans

The 2020 general election is right around the corner and the political climate is heating up. Although Americans have relied on social media as a source of personal connectivity, many are choosing to tune out due to fatigue ...

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