A persistent influence of supernovae on biodiversity

The number of exploding stars (supernovae) has significantly influenced marine life's biodiversity during the last 500 million years. This is the essence of a new study published in Ecology and Evolution by Henrik Svensmark, ...

Rare isotopes help unlock mysteries in the Argentine Andes

Every second the Earth is bombarded by vast amounts of cosmic rays—invisible sub-atomic particles that originate from things like the sun and supernova explosions. These high-energy, far-traveled cosmic rays collide with ...

A pool at Yellowstone is a thumping thermometer

While the crowds swarm around Old Faithful to wait for its next eruption, a little pool just north of Yellowstone National Park's most famous geyser is quietly showing off its own unique activity, also at more-or-less regular ...

Ocean surface tipping point could accelerate climate change

The oceans help to limit global warming by soaking up carbon dioxide emissions. But scientists have discovered that intense warming in the future could lessen that ability, leading to even more severe warming.

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