Reducing human-induced earthquake risk

Researchers at EPFL and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy have devised strategies for reducing the earthquake risk associated with geothermal energy, CO2 storage and other human activities happening deep underground.

A seismic shift in oil exploration

An advanced computational method for processing seismic data developed by KAUST researchers allows the detailed structure of deep oil reservoirs to be imaged at unprecedented resolution, opening new possibilities in the increasingly ...

3-D Earth in the making

A thorough understanding of the 'solid Earth' system is essential for deciphering the links between processes occurring deep inside Earth and those occurring nearer the surface that lead to seismic activity such as earthquakes ...

Residual strain despite mega earthquake

On Christmas Day 2016, the earth trembled in southern Chile. In the same region, the strongest earthquake ever measured occurred in 1960. A comparison of data from seismic and geodetic measurements during and after both earthquakes ...

Assessing seismic activity near site of planned city NEOM

The potential for major earthquakes around the southern end of the Gulf of Aqaba may be lower than geophysicists feared. Separate studies by two students, using quite different approaches but arriving at similar findings, ...

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