Geophysical Journal International publishes top quality research papers, express letters, invited review papers and book reviews on all aspects of theoretical, computational, applied and observational geophysics.

Impact factor
2.42 (2011)

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Geological riddle solved: 'Roof of the World' has gotten higher

There has long been controversy about whether the world's highest region, Tibet, has grown taller during the recent geological past. New results from the University of Copenhagen indicate that the 'Roof of the World' appears ...

From where will the next big earthquake hit the city of Istanbul?

The city of Istanbul is focus of great concern for earthquake researchers. This 15-million metropole is situated very close to the so-called North Anatolian Fault Zone which runs just outside of the city gates below the Marmara ...

New hints of volcanism under the heart of northern Europe

Scientists have discovered new evidence for active volcanism next door to some of the most densely populated areas of Europe. The study 'crowd-sourced' GPS monitoring data from antennae across western Europe to track subtle ...

Monitoring volcanoes with ground-based atomic clocks

An international team led by scientists from the University of Zurich finds that high-precision atomic clocks can be used to monitor volcanoes and potentially improve predictions of future eruptions. In addition, a ground-based ...

Why earthquakes happen more frequently in Britain than Ireland

Researchers from the University of Cambridge and the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies have discovered that variations in the thickness of tectonic plates relate directly to the distribution of earthquakes in Britain, ...

Gravity mission still unearthing hidden secrets

Despite ESA's GOCE mission ending over seven years ago, scientists continue to use this remarkable satellite's gravity data to delve deep and unearth secrets about our planet. Recent research shows how scientists have combined ...

Earthquakes and tectonics in Pamir Tien Shan

Real time analysis of shear waves as a means of earth quake hazard mitigation. First time observed continental subduction in a continent-continent collision.

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