Snooping on neighbours gives animals the upper paw

( —Animals that have developed the ability to eavesdrop on their neighbours may have the edge when it comes to finding food and expanding their habitat, a new study by researchers at The University of Western Australia ...

Size matters for creatures of cold polar waters

Scientists at the Universities of Liverpool, Plymouth, and Radboud, Netherlands, have challenged the view that giant animals are found in polar seas because of a superabundance of oxygen in cold water.

Sexiness doesn't always have a downside

( —University of Queensland researchers have found that sexiness doesn't have to be a burden, at least not if you're a male threadfin rainbowfish.

Disappearing nannies force parents to accept their duties

( —Large helpers (nannies) in a cichlid fish allow the dominant male and female to reduce their personal contribution to their offspring and territory, according to new research published today in Functional Ecology.

Researchers examine environmental stress in migratory birds

(—Small migratory male birds that winter in a stressful environment age faster than those that winter in a high-quality habitat, according to research stemming from a collaborative National Science Foundation grant ...

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