No evidence of gender bias in philosophy

Despite being a male-dominated field, a recent study has found no evidence for gender bias against women in philosophy, in terms of securing tenure-track positions as college professors. Good news, but why aren't there more ...

Female STEM leaders more likely to back policies aiding women

For decades, higher ed administrators have talked about the need for more female professors in science, technology, engineering and mathematics departments. But what is the best way to recruit and retain those professors? ...

Helping women progress in traditionally male dominated fields

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed recommendations to improve female progression in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses. Their study surveyed women in two-year courses, ...

'Gambling' wolves take more risks than dogs

Would you rather get 100 euros for certain, or have a fifty-fifty chance of receiving either 200 euros or nothing? Most choose the first, as humans tend to be "risk-averse", preferring a guaranteed pay-off over the possibility ...

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