Frontiers in Physiology is a leading journal in its field, publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research on the physiology of living systems, from the subcellular and molecular domains to the intact organism, and its interaction with the environment.


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Wearable devices may prevent astronauts getting 'lost' in space

The sky is no longer the limit—but taking flight is dangerous. In leaving the Earth's surface, we lose many of the cues we need to orient ourselves, and that spatial disorientation can be deadly. Astronauts normally need ...

Making mosquitoes' love songs fall on deaf ears

A team of researchers from the Group of Neural Circuit in the Graduate School of Science at Nagoya University in central Japan have developed a new method that may help control mosquito populations. The annoying buzzing sound ...

Streetwise bees cut corners to find food

Bumblebees waste no time enjoying the beauty of flowers—instead learning the bare minimum about where to land and find food, new research shows.

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