Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research across fundamental and applied sciences, to provide ecological and evolutionary insights into our natural and anthropogenic world, and how it should best be managed.


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Study adds new sea cucumber species to the research toolbox

Scientists have a handful of standard research organisms, including fruit flies and mice, that they use to study the evolutionary development (evo-devo) of animal lineages over time. Yet the more research organisms they can ...

Research maps potential risks to iconic marine wildlife

The areas used by six threatened marine megafauna species overlap with a myriad of human activities in the waters of Australia's north west, a collaborative study led by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) has ...

'Fishing' chimpanzees found to enjoy termites as a seasonal treat

The discovery that chimpanzees use tools to fish for termites revolutionized our understanding of their abilities—but we still don't have crucial context to help us understand termite fishing and chimpanzee minds. Are chimpanzees ...

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