A mountain of evidence on air pollution's harms to children

A new study led by researchers at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH) organizes the available scientific evidence on the effects of air pollution on children's health. The paper in the journal ...

Why the world needs the humble glass sponge

Recent research from the University of Alberta reveals how fishing practices like trawling may be affecting the health of sponges that act like natural water filters.

Air pollution exposure inequality persists in Massachusetts

Despite overall reductions in ambient air pollution in Massachusetts, exposure continues to fall unequally along racial/ethnic, income, and education lines, according to a new study led by a Boston University School of Public ...

The dust storm microbiome

Israel is subjected to sand and dust storms from several directions: northeast from the Sahara, northwest from Saudi Arabia and southwest from the desert regions of Syria. The airborne dust carried in these storms affects ...

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