Getting the lead out

Caltech geochemist Clair Patterson (1922–1995) helped galvanize the environmental movement 50 years ago when he announced that highly toxic lead could be found essentially everywhere on Earth, including in our own bodies—and ...

Working with communities to keep drinking water safe

When we think about unsafe drinking water, our minds may leap to contaminated wells in developing nations or flood damage to sewage systems. It's easy to feel removed from these issues. Yet each year viruses, bacteria and ...

Measuring the consequence of forest fires on public health

Pollution from forest fires is impacting the health of people with asthma and other chronic obstructive lung diseases, finds a study in Biomed Central's open access journal Environmental Health. This study uses data from ...

Counting the cost of mercury pollution

Cleaning up mercury pollution and reducing prenatal exposure to the neurotoxin methylmercury (MeHg) could save the European Union €10,000 million per year, finds a new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal ...

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