Ecotoxicology is an international journal devoted to presenting fundamental research on the effects of toxic chemicals on populations, communities and terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. It elucidates mechanisms and processes whereby chemicals exert their effects on ecosystems, and examines the impact caused at the population or community level. The journal is not restricted with respect to taxon or biome, presenting papers that indicate possible new approaches to regulation and control of toxic chemicals and that formulate ways of conserving threatened species. The journal includes not only original research papers but technical notes and review articles, both invited and submitted. A strong, broadly based editorial board ensures as wide an international coverage as possible.

Springer Science+Business Media

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Waters are more polluted than tests say

Bodies of water are "sinks", and thereby bind contaminants particularly well. If even slightly toxic concentrations in water are to be detected, the growth and swimming behavior of small crustaceans, mini-snails and copepods ...

Pesticides impair bees' ability to gather food, researchers find

( —Controversial pesticides ingested by bumble bees can seriously impact the insects' ability to collect food, even at very low levels of contamination, says new research from the University of Sussex and the University ...

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