Controls on nitrogen nutrient availability in the Arctic tundra

Near the top of the world, plants grow on soil that rests atop permafrost, or permanently frozen soil. Just like plants in warmer regions, these need nitrogen to grow. The unique aspects of the permafrost environment create ...

Meadows beat out shrubs when it comes to storing carbon

Excess carbon dioxide, emitted by burning fossil fuels like coal and petroleum, is one of the most important factors in driving global warming. While the world is focused on controlling global warming by limiting these emissions, ...

Alpine streams produce more CO2 after a warm winter

An EPFL study has for the first time measured the impact of climate change on alpine streams, and the results are quite worrying: after a low-snow winter, these streams release more carbon dioxide than they absorb.

It takes patience to restore watercourses

A common way to restore Swedish streams previously used for timber-floating has been to return rocks. A group of researchers at Umeå University has studied the effects of improved methods that also add large boulders and ...

Ecologists urged to embrace the power of 'natural experiments'

Researchers at The University of Western Australia are urging ecologists to increase the use of large-scale natural and manmade disasters as experiments to help solve the greatest environmental challenges facing the planet. 

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