Cold spells chill tropical species

Two cold spells, two years apart, in two subtropical regions of the world have given scientists clues to what happens when an extreme climate event strikes.

Climate change and the catastrophic wildfire

Over the past several months news of widespread wildfires has coursed through the media from every corner of the world. In the United States, the wildfire season is now two months longer than it was 100 years ago. In 2015 ...

Small landscape changes can mean big freshwater gains

A typical bird's-eye view of the Midwest offers a patchwork landscape covered mostly by agriculture but mottled with forest, wetland, grassland, buildings and pavement. This pattern influences the quality and supply of the ...

New study rings alarm for sugar maple in Adirondacks

The iconic sugar maple, one of the most economically and ecologically important trees in the eastern United States and Canada, shows signs of being in a significant decline, according to research results published today (Oct. ...

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