Fungi-eating plants and flies team up for reproduction

Fungi-eating orchids were found for the first time to offer their flowers to fungi-eating fruit flies in exchange for pollination, which is the first evidence for nursery pollination in orchids. This unique new plant-animal ...

Remarkable squirting mussels captured on film

Cambridge researchers have observed a highly unusual behavior in the endangered freshwater mussel, Unio crassus. In spring, female mussels were seen moving to the water's edge and anchoring into the riverbed, with their back ...

Common plants and pollinators act as anchors for ecosystems

The next time you go for a hike, take an extra moment to appreciate the seemingly ordinary life all around you. A house fly, humble yarrow weed and other "generalist" plants and pollinators play a crucial role in maintaining ...

Dwindling wind may tip predator-prey balance

Bent and tossed by the wind, a field of soybean plants presents a challenge for an Asian lady beetle on the hunt for aphids. But what if the air—and the soybeans—were still?

Researcher scans tropical forest with mixed-reality device

Rice University scientists used a commercially available mixed-reality headset with custom-designed software to measure and analyze forest floor vegetation, demonstrating a correlation between animal diversity and the mapped ...

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