Invasive crabs help Cape Cod marshes

( —Ecologists are wary of non-native species, but along the shores of Cape Cod where grass-eating crabs have been running amok and destroying the marsh, an invasion of a predatory green crabs has helped turn back ...

Picky eater fish clean up seaweeds from coral reefs (w/ Video)

(—Using underwater video cameras to record fish feeding on South Pacific coral reefs, scientists have found that herbivorous fish can be picky eaters – a trait that could spell trouble for endangered reef systems.

All washed up and somewhere to go

( -- Wrack, it's called--the tangled mass of seaweed found on beaches around the world. It washes in with the high tide and lingers long after the waters recede.

For the first time, scientists put extinct mammals on the map

Researchers from Aarhus University and University of Gothenburg have produced the most comprehensive family tree and atlas of mammals to date, connecting all living and recently extinct mammal species—nearly 6,000 in total—and ...

Weird warbler reveals genetics of its mismatched colors

An incredibly rare hybrid warbler with mismatched color patterns has allowed researchers to disentangle the genetic drivers of two traits that usually come as a package deal—the black face mask and the black throat patch ...

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