Woodland plant's 'fishing rod' reels in its primary pollinator

The distinctive-looking plant Arisaema urashima is a common sight in woodlands in Japan. It has a large spathe (sheath enclosing its flowers) from which hangs a long-thread like appendix (that can reach over 50cm in length) ...

Heat wave of 2021 created 'perfect storm' for shellfish die-off

It's hard to forget the excruciating heat that blanketed the Pacific Northwest in late June 2021. Temperatures in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia soared to well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, with Seattle setting an ...

Shorter, wider flowers may transmit more parasites to bees

North Carolina State University researchers show that the shape of flowers has the biggest effect on how parasites are transmitted to bees, an important consideration for declining populations of our prodigious pollinators. ...

Bolivian river dolphins observed playing with an anaconda

A trio of scientists, one with Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, another from Museo Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado and a third independent researcher, report evidence of several Bolivian river dolphins playing ...

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