Ecologists create a new model to predict extinction risk

A new population viability model, with an accompanying web app, is helping scientists to better forecast population changes and extinction risk for imperiled species. The method was developed by ecologists at the University ...

Predicting how native plants return to abandoned farm fields

Movement is one of the most common processes in all biology—mice forage for food and geese migrate with the seasons. While plants may be rooted in one spot for most of their lives, movement also plays a key role in their ...

Cobra cannibalism more prevalent than previously thought

Last spring, researchers in South Africa's Kalahari Desert found a large male cape cobra devouring another smaller male of the same species. Surprised by the thought-to-be-rare event, they decided to investigate how common ...

What's eating these endangered orchids?

A species of seed-feeding fly is critically damaging the seed production of multiple orchid species, as revealed by a group of Japanese researchers. If the damage caused by this fly is occurring long-term and across Japan, ...

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