Fish cannibalism is rare in the wild, study finds

Mosquitofish and guppies, though known to be cannibalistic in captivity, are extremely unlikely to be cannibals in wild settings, and the rare instances of cannibalism in these fish are likely due to strong competition for ...

Native parasite thrives alongside its bee host

Like disease in humans, parasites can wage a deadly evolutionary "arms race" against their hosts, even driving small populations to extinction if they mutate more quickly and gain the upper hand.

The mystery of an unusual Panamanian plant's dispersal

Sleeping in a car may be a necessity for scientists conducting fieldwork. In 2020, a team of young researchers spent two nights sleeping in their car in the mountains of western Panama. The second time it was not intentional: ...

Pollination by birds can be advantageous

Why have some plant species changed pollinators in their evolution? An international team of researchers from the Universities of Bonn and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Suzhou (China) studied the reproductive systems ...

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