Bats use four key tactics for accurate target tracking

The ability of "target tracking," i.e., keeping a target object in sight, is essential for various activities and has improved in animals and machines through the evolution of life and technology, respectively. Because most ...

Summer slumber: How seeds go dormant to combat harsh conditions

Plants are highly versatile organisms that have developed remarkable strategies to adapt to different environments. One such strategy is seed dormancy, an adaptation that temporally prevents viable seeds from germinating ...

New study reveals oceanic seabirds chase tropical cyclones

A new study published today in Current Biology, "Oceanic Seabirds Chase Tropical Cyclones," reveals that the rare Desertas Petrels (Pterodroma deserta), a wide-ranging seabird in the North Atlantic, exhibit unique foraging ...

Mine makeovers: How to turn pits into healthy habitats

Open-cast mines could be converted from blots on the landscape into havens for wildlife, with land restored straight after digging finishes, a new primer on post-mining landscapes has proposed.

Coral reefs: Battlegrounds for survival in a changing climate

Coral reefs, those vibrant underwater cities, stand on the precipice of collapse. While rising ocean temperatures and coral bleaching grab headlines, a new essay in Current Biology reveals a hidden layer of complexity in ...

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