A new nano-sized hexameric molecular capsule

Halonium ions used in this study, are well-known reaction intermediates and halogenating reagents in synthesis, but now they have been used as robust and stable structural units in molecular nanotechnology.

Silicon with a two-dimensional structure

Silicon, a semi-metal, bonds in its natural form with four other elements and its three-dimensional structure takes the form of a tetrahedron. For a long time, it seemed impossible to achieve the synthesis and characterisation ...

Chemists invent new Lewis acidity test using fluorescence

York University chemists have invented a new fluorescence-based method for accurately determining the strength of a range of Lewis acids, which could one day be used to help purify pharmaceutical drugs, improve industrial ...

Compound allows bacterial communication to be controlled by light

Scientists from the University of Groningen have succeeded in incorporating a light-controlled switch into a molecule used by bacteria for quorum sensing—a process by which bacteria communicate and subsequently control ...

Plastics could see a second life as biodegradable surfactants

Scientists at the Institute for Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics (iCOUP), an Energy Frontier Research Center led by Ames Laboratory, have discovered a chemical process that provides biodegradable, valuable chemicals, which ...

Boxing up molecular machines

Machines that are confined inside a cage or casing exhibit interesting properties by converting input energy into programmed functions. One such system is the mechanical gyroscope or gyrotop, a fascinating toy that amuses ...

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