Stalagmites in Indiana cave may record past earthquakes

Stalagmites rising from the floor of a cave in southern Indiana may contain traces of past earthquakes in the region, according to a report published September 13 in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

Dust devils detected by seismometer could guide Mars mission

Buried in the shallow soft mud of a dry California lake bed, a seismometer was able to detect the tiny tilts of the ground as it was pulled up by passing dust devils. The experiment, described online November 10 in the Bulletin ...

Origins of Red Sea's mysterious 'cannon earthquakes' revealed

For many generations, Bedouin people living in the Abu Dabbab area on the Egyptian Red Sea coast have heard distinct noises—like the rumbling of a quarry blast or cannon shot—accompanying small earthquakes in the region. ...

Fracking confirmed as cause of rare 'felt' earthquake in Ohio

A new study links the March 2014 earthquakes in Poland Township, Ohio to hydraulic fracturing that activated a previously unknown fault. The induced seismic sequence included a rare felt earthquake of magnitude 3.0, according ...

Less shake from artificial quakes, study says

Man-made earthquakes, a side effect of some high-tech energy drilling, cause less shaking and in general are about 16 times weaker than natural earthquakes with the same magnitude, a new U.S. study found.

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