Biomaterials Science is an international, high impact journal bringing together the molecular and mesoscopic interactions of biomaterials and their potential applications. The journal is a collaborative venture between RSC Publishing and the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan. The broad scope of the journal ranges from the fundamental science of biomaterials to their biomedical applications.

Royal Society of Chemistry

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New and improved drug-delivery molecules for skeletal muscle

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have created a new drug-delivery molecule, a zwitterionic polymer complex that can help get plasmid DNA inside cells when injected into skeletal muscle, a crucial step in the ...

Bio-nanocellulose meshes improve hernia repair surgery

Bacterial nanocellulose is an emergent biocompatible natural polymer with increasing applicability in the healthcare sector. A potential innovative application can be found in the design of surgical meshes for the treatment ...

Skin gel allows wounds to heal without leaving a scar

A team of researchers at Huazhong University of Science and Technology has developed a silk protein-based gel that they claim allows for skin healing without scarring. In their paper published in the journal Biomaterials ...

Houston team one step closer to growing capillaries

In their work toward 3-D printing transplantable tissues and organs, bioengineers and scientists from Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine have demonstrated a key step on the path to generate implantable tissues ...

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