Eating fire ants could prepare lizards for future fire ant attack

Eating fire ants might prepare a lizard's immune system to be stung by the ants, according to a new study by researchers at Penn State. The study comprehensively assessed how the immune system responds to lizards eating and ...

European newts invade Australia

Once confined behind pet shop windows, the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) –a 'controlled pest animal' in Victoria – has made a new home in Melbourne's peri urban fringe.

Stopping the invasive Amur honeysuckle

(—As leaves drop in autumn, it's not only a good time to enjoy the reds, yellows and oranges drifting from the trees—it's also a good time to kill honeysuckle.

Stoats make a splash

Stoats are generally considered capable of swimming up to about 1.5km, but the discovery of a stoat on Rangitoto Island (3 km offshore) in 2010, and another on Kapiti (5 km offshore) in 2011 suggested they may be able to ...

Sweden may need to revise approach to the spread of earthworms

In North America, the spread of European earthworms is a known environmental issue as it has turned out that some of these species are capable of altering entire forest ecosystems. In Sweden, we have so far had a positive ...

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