Atmospheric Science Letters (ASL) is a wholly electronic journal. Its aim is to provide a fully peer reviewed publication route for new shorter contributions in the field of atmospheric and closely related sciences. Through its ability to publish shorter contributions more rapidly than conventional journals, ASL offers a framework that promotes new understanding and creates scientific debate - providing a platform for discussing scientific issues and techniques.

John Wiley & Sons
Impact factor
1.932 ()

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Cloud brightening to cool seas can protect coral reefs

The seeding of marine clouds to cool sea surface temperatures could protect threatened coral reefs from being bleached by warming oceans. Research, published in Atmospheric Science Letters, proposes that a targeted version ...

Severe heatwaves on the rise

Extreme heatwaves that may have happened once every decade are in danger of becoming an annual occurrence unless steps are taken to address climate change, a study suggests.

Cloud control could tame hurricanes, study shows

They are one of the most destructive forces of nature on Earth, but now environmental scientists are working to tame the hurricane. In a paper, published in Atmospheric Science Letters, the authors propose using cloud seeding ...