Cheaper hydrogen production

Electrolytic hydrogen production powered by renewable energy is seen as an environmentally friendly means to ameliorate global climate and energy problems. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, a research team has now introduced ...

Tracking the nitric oxide signaling pathway

Both nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) act as gaseous signaling molecules with similar physiological effects. Many of the critical questions about the interplay between these two gasotransmitters hinge on their ...

Ultrafast charge transfer in Prussian blue analogues

Photoinduced charge transfers are an interesting electronic property of Prussian blue and some analogously structured compounds. A team of researchers has now been able to elucidate the ultrafast processes in the light-induced ...

A silica nanostructure with chemo-enzymatic compartmentalization

As COVID-19 vaccinations are well underway, people await a return to normal life. However, fears also grow due to unforeseen side effects like the rare thrombosis. In the body, life is maintained by the movement of substances ...

Induced-fit adsorbent for acetylene

We often say that a substrate fits into its enzyme like a key in a lock, but this metaphor is imperfect. Substrate binding can also change the lock (the structure of the enzyme) to induce a perfect fit. In the journal Angewandte ...

Switched on IR-active organic pigments

In photosynthesis and organic photovoltaics, pigment molecules convert light into electrical charge. A team of chemists have now produced an unusual organic pigment, which is "switched on" by an electrical charge to become ...

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