Detecting CRISPR/Cas gene doping

All athletes want to be at the top of their game when they compete, but some resort to nefarious approaches to achieve peak muscle growth, speed and agility. Recent developments in gene editing technology could tempt athletes ...

Convenient antioxidant capacity measurement of food

Researchers from Kumamoto University (Japan) have developed a system to quickly and easily measure the antioxidant capacity of food. The new electrochemical system uses a gel form—bicontinuous microemulsion (BME), a mixture ...

Scientists develop new tools to study the immune system

University of Alberta chemists have developed new tools for studying the human immune system that lay the foundation for research that could improve understanding of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Device could help detect signs of extraterrestrial life

Although Earth is uniquely situated in the solar system to support creatures that call it home, different forms of life could have once existed, or might still exist, on other planets. But finding traces of past or current ...

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