High-performance heaters based on nanoscale-thick graphite films

Combining multiple carbon nanomaterials in a single substance can yield surprising properties. KAUST researchers have created thin graphite films that could act as high-performance flexible heater panels, reaching several ...

A nontoxic glue for plywood—from glucose, citric acid

The go-to materials for building home furniture, décor and floors are composite wood products that come in large sheets. But the glues and resins holding together particleboard, fiberboard and plywood usually contain formaldehyde ...

Scientists build microporous MOF traps for mitigating toxic gases

Nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide (NO2 and SO2) are toxic gases harmful to the environment and human health. Once they enter the atmosphere, they can travel hundreds of miles, polluting the air and causing acid rain which ...

Quenching by laser increases graphene quality

Russian scientists have found out why, instead of simply burning down at high temperatures, graphene oxide opens the door to a promising and inexpensive graphene production method. The research was published in the journal ...

In a surprise move, honeybee tongue hairs repel water

A honeybee pokes out its tongue—which is densely covered in hairs—to lap up nectar and other liquids. Now, researchers report in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces that those hairs are water repellent. That's unexpected, ...

A 'greener' way to clean wastewater treatment filters

Membrane filters don't require much energy to purify water, making them popular for wastewater treatment. To keep these materials in tip-top condition, they're commonly cleaned with large amounts of strong chemicals, but ...

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