Artists 'draw on air' to create 3D illustrations

By putting on a virtual reality mask, holding a stylus in one hand and a tracking device in the other, an artist can draw 3D objects in the air with unprecedented precision. This new system is called “Drawing on Air,” ...

New Law of Physics Could Explain Quantum Mysteries

( -- Since the early days of quantum mechanics, scientists have been trying to understand the many strange implications of the theory: superpositions, wave-particle duality, and the observer’s role in measurements, ...

Wormholes on Earth?

According to a group of mathematicians, it may be possible to create devices with internal tunnels that are invisible to detection by electromagnetic waves—wormholes, in a sense. The group discusses the idea in a paper ...

What happens when Newton's third law is broken?

Even if you don't know it by name, everyone is familiar with Newton's third law, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This idea can be seen in many everyday situations, such as when ...

SanDisk Developing 128 GB Micro-SD Card For 2011 Release

( -- SanDisk one of the global leaders in flash storage cards is in the development stage of manufacturing a 128 gigabyte micro-SD card for cell phones. According to Deccan Herald of India, SanDisk´s Chief Operating ...

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