Astronomy Jul 29, 2024

New study simulates gravitational waves from failing warp drive

Imagine a spaceship driven not by engines, but by compressing the spacetime in front of it. That's the realm of science fiction, right? Well, not entirely. Physicists have been exploring the theoretical possibility of "warp ...

Superconductivity Jul 31, 2024

New technique measures superconductivity at very high pressures

In 1911, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered the first superconductor, metallic mercury when cooled to a critical temperature of 4.2 Kelvin, where it conducts electricity without resistance. Ever since materials scientists ...

Astronomy Jul 31, 2024

Discovery of ancient stars on the stellar thin disk of the Milky Way

A surprising discovery about the evolution of our galaxy using data from the Gaia mission found a large number of ancient stars on orbits similar to that of our sun. They formed the Milky Way's thin disk less than 1 billion ...

Social Sciences Jul 29, 2024

New study finds people alter their appearance to suit their names

A new study has found that people tend to alter their appearance to suit their names. The researchers sought to determine whether parents choose a baby name based on what seems fitting for the baby's appearance, or if individuals' ...

Space Exploration Jul 31, 2024

One year on 'Mars': Inside NASA's ultra-realistic isolation study

Sealed inside a habitat in Texas and cut off from the outside world for over a year, Kelly Haston was the commander of a first-of-its-kind simulation for NASA to prepare for a future mission to Mars.

Astrobiology Jul 30, 2024

Study suggests cloud-to-ground lightning strikes may have generated building blocks for life on Earth

A large team of chemists at Harvard University has found evidence suggesting that cloud-to-ground lightning strikes may have helped generate some of the building blocks needed for life on Earth to arise.

Plants & Animals Jul 30, 2024

Scientists discover entirely new wood type that could be highly efficient at carbon storage

Researchers undertaking an evolutionary survey of the microscopic structure of wood from some of the world's most iconic trees and shrubs have discovered an entirely new type of wood.

General Physics Jul 30, 2024

New study uses self-interacting dark matter to solve the final parsec problem

In a new study, scientists from Canada have proposed a solution to the final parsec problem of supermassive black hole (SMBH) mergers using self-interacting dark matter.

Social Sciences Jul 30, 2024

Study finds working from home stifles innovation

Remote and hybrid working may be great for employees' work-life balance, but it may be stifling innovation, according to new research.

Plasma Physics Jul 30, 2024

Madison Symmetric Torus operates stable plasma at 10 times the Greenwald Limit

If net-positive fusion energy is to ever be achieved, density is key: the more atomic nuclei crashing into each other, the more efficient the reaction will be. Nearly 40 years ago, Martin Greenwald identified a density limit ...

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