Earth Sciences Sep 16, 2024

Study finds mine-drainage treatment cost effective, but far more costs lay ahead

New research led by the University of Pittsburgh shows that state and federal appropriations allowing Pennsylvania to treat abandoned mine drainage works to both successfully and cost effectively clean up the acidic water—particularly ...

Optics & Photonics Sep 17, 2024

New technology produces ultrashort ion pulses

TU Wien (Vienna) has succeeded in generating laser-synchronized ion pulses with a duration of well under 500 picoseconds, which can be used to observe chemical processes on material surfaces. The work has been published in ...

Astronomy Sep 16, 2024

New tidally tilted pulsator discovered by astronomers

Astronomers have detected a new tidally pulsator star (TTP) by analyzing the data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The newfound pulsator, designated TIC 435850195, belongs to the rare class of tri-axial ...

Earth Sciences Sep 11, 2024

Oceans absorb 6% more carbon thanks to rain, study reveals

The ocean plays an important role in the global carbon cycle by absorbing about one-quarter of the carbon emitted by human activities every year. A study published recently in Nature Geoscience and co-authored by a University ...

Condensed Matter Sep 11, 2024

Overcoming magnetic disorder: Toward low-energy topological electronics

Overcoming magnetic disorder is key to exploiting the unique properties of quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulators. A Monash-led team has demonstrated that the breakdown in topological protection is caused by magnetic disorder, ...

Earth Sciences 28 minutes ago

Study reveals that future climate change may reduce the Amazon rainforest's ability to act as a carbon sink

The Amazon, often called the "lungs of the planet," is the world's largest tropical forest, playing a crucial role in the global climate system due to its vast carbon storage. While it is typically warm and humid all year ...

Biochemistry Sep 16, 2024

Machine learning powers discovery of new cryoprotectants for cold storage

Scientists from the University of Warwick and the University of Manchester have developed a cutting-edge computational framework that enhances the safe freezing of medicines and vaccines.

General Physics 19 hours ago

LHC experiments observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet

Quantum entanglement is a fascinating feature of quantum physics—the theory of the very small. If two particles are quantum-entangled, the state of one particle is tied to that of the other, no matter how far apart the ...

Earth Sciences 1 hour ago

Arctic warming may fuel ice formation in clouds, observations suggest

The Arctic frequently experiences temperatures that support the formation of mixed-phase clouds that contain supercooled liquid droplets and ice crystals. The composition of such clouds plays a crucial role in the region's ...

Bio & Medicine Sep 16, 2024

Modified nano-sized cell particles found to boost cancer immunotherapy, reduce side effects

Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses the body's own immune system to help fight cancer. This is by stimulating the immune response to recognize and attack cancer cells more effectively. The treatment involves ...

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