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Gorillas match chimpanzees in self-awareness study

Gorillas may have greater self-awareness than scientists previously thought. A new study finds that gorillas perform just as well as chimpanzees in tests that require awareness of their own bodies. A research team, led by ...

A new name for one of the world's rarest rhinoceroses

A new study revealed significant differences in the appearance and behavior of the two one-horned Asiatic rhinoceros species, challenging long-standing classifications and supporting a re-evaluation of their status.

Spider development and vision: A genetic perspective

A new study provides detailed insights into the embryogenesis and eye development of the cave-dwelling spider Tegenaria pagana. The research, published in EvoDevo, examines key genetic mechanisms involved in eye formation ...

Birds' high blood sugar defies aging expectations

A large-scale study of 88 bird species reveals that some birds with high blood sugar levels show resistance to protein glycation, suggesting they have evolved mechanisms to avoid the harmful effects typically associated with ...

More news

The changing chorus: How movements and memories influence birdsong evolution
New fossil discovery of an early human relative reveals that it walked upright, just like humans
Plants & Animals
Bonobos and chimps offer clues to how our early ancestors had sex for social purposes
Plants & Animals
Climate change: Scientists discover differences in the way forest and desert flies process external temperature
Testing the Out of Africa model in East Eurasian genomic origins
Fossil study reveals oldest larval eyes with high-resolution vision
Plants & Animals
Deciphering the evolutionary transition from reptilian jaw to mammalian nose
Introducing Evo 2, a predictive and generative genomic AI for all domains of life
Predicting SARS-CoV-2 variant infectivity with biophysical principles
Mollusk family tree helps resolve long-standing evolutionary questions
When birds lose the ability to fly, their bodies change faster than their feathers, scientists discover
Earliest evidence for humans in rainforests discovered
Plants & Animals
Fish teeth show how ease of innovation enables rapid evolution
Humans have the earliest jawed fish to thank for their flexible joints, study suggests
Interspecies alliances: Research examines cognitive underpinnings of cross-species collaborations
Life in the fast, or slow, lane: How environmental variability influences birds' survival and reproduction strategies
Male mosquitofish that perform better at problem-solving have a higher chance of mating, research shows
Researchers delve into one of biology's scientific frontiers—by studying studies
Accidental discovery may hint at answer to a chicken-or-egg question on evolution
Discovery reveals giant flying squirrel once soared over Southern Appalachia

Other news

Optics & Photonics
Scientists unlock new dimension in light manipulation, ushering in a new era in photonic technology
Advancing light-to-electricity energy conversion: New method extends lifespan of plasmonic hot holes
General Physics
Dialing in the temperature needed for precise nuclear timekeeping
AI recognizes the mass of the most energetic particles of cosmic radiation
Eat grass-fed beef, help the planet? Research says not so simple
Cell & Microbiology
Engineered E. coli could be used to produce biodegradable plastics
Plants & Animals
First documented sighting of a group of bowhead whales in Canada's Churchill River Estuary
Cell & Microbiology
Cells' mechanical force key to survival in cellular competition, study reveals
Paleontology & Fossils
A 15-million-year-old fossilized freshwater fish with preserved stomach contents is a newly discovered species
Soft Matter
Supercritical water's structure decoded: Analysis finds no molecular clusters, just fleeting bonds
General Physics
Study reveals the illusion of 'dazzle' paint on World War I battleships
Light-powered artificial neurons mimic brain-like oscillations
Condensed Matter
The first observation of amplified spontaneous emission from electron-hole plasma in 2D semiconductors
Machine learning enables customized plastics that could reduce environmental impact
Micro metal-movers: Biochemists are one step closer to better cancer treatments
How radiation from black holes could have a nurturing effect on life
Cell & Microbiology
Slow, silent 'scream' of epithelial cells detected for first time
Plants & Animals
Iguanas floated one-fifth of the way around the world to colonize Fiji, genetic analysis indicates
Plants & Animals
Unique dove species is the dodo of the Caribbean and in similar danger of dying out
JWST captures its first direct images of carbon dioxide outside solar system

How tiny algae shaped the evolution of giant clams

Giant clams, some of the largest mollusks on Earth, have long fascinated scientists. These impressive creatures can grow up to 4.5 feet in length and weigh over 700 pounds, making them icons of tropical coral reefs.