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Gorillas match chimpanzees in self-awareness study

Gorillas may have greater self-awareness than scientists previously thought. A new study finds that gorillas perform just as well as chimpanzees in tests that require awareness of their own bodies. A research team, led by ...

A new name for one of the world's rarest rhinoceroses

A new study revealed significant differences in the appearance and behavior of the two one-horned Asiatic rhinoceros species, challenging long-standing classifications and supporting a re-evaluation of their status.

Spider development and vision: A genetic perspective

A new study provides detailed insights into the embryogenesis and eye development of the cave-dwelling spider Tegenaria pagana. The research, published in EvoDevo, examines key genetic mechanisms involved in eye formation ...

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Heliconius butterfly mating choices linked to simple neural change, which could speed evolution
Birds' high blood sugar defies aging expectations
Shells of their former selves: How sea snails have adapted to invasive predators
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600 million years of shared environmental stress response found in algae and plants
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New research shows bigger animals get more cancer, defying decades-old belief
The changing chorus: How movements and memories influence birdsong evolution
New fossil discovery of an early human relative reveals that it walked upright, just like humans
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Bonobos and chimps offer clues to how our early ancestors had sex for social purposes
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Climate change: Scientists discover differences in the way forest and desert flies process external temperature
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Fossil study reveals oldest larval eyes with high-resolution vision
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Deciphering the evolutionary transition from reptilian jaw to mammalian nose
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Predicting SARS-CoV-2 variant infectivity with biophysical principles
Mollusk family tree helps resolve long-standing evolutionary questions
When birds lose the ability to fly, their bodies change faster than their feathers, scientists discover
Earliest evidence for humans in rainforests discovered
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Fish teeth show how ease of innovation enables rapid evolution
Humans have the earliest jawed fish to thank for their flexible joints, study suggests

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A mere whiff of penguin poo pushes krill to take frantic evasive action
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Mediterranean neutrino observatory sets new limits on quantum gravity
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Scientists see the first steps of DNA unwinding
Surprisingly, some Dyson spheres and ringworlds can be stable
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Scientists reveal a hidden, sunlight-driven source of a potent greenhouse gas
Planetary Sciences
Lunar far side samples bolster theory that the moon was once covered in magma
Observations detect a companion star to T Coronae Australis
Analytical Chemistry
The unfamiliar face of a most familiar substance: Extraordinary activity of interfacial water on oil droplets
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Thermomajorization theory provides new framework for quantifying mysterious Mpemba effect
Cell & Microbiology
Unveiling bacteria's viral defense: Nine genes that could aid phage therapy
Making food from our organic waste may not be as good an idea as first thought
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World's first quantum microsatellite demonstrates secure communication with multiple ground stations
Scientists discover new inhibitors of inflammation-related enzyme
Long-term Switzerland-wide study finds the layout of trees may impact human health
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Sea level rise after the last ice age revealed by new geological data
EPA regulations cut power sector emissions but miss opportunities for deeper reductions, analysis finds
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'Molecular library' opens up new frontier of biological space-time
Astronomers discover 'space tornadoes' around the Milky Way's core
Cell & Microbiology
Experimental antifungal compound kills multidrug-resistant fungi