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Study adds new sea cucumber species to the research toolbox

Scientists have a handful of standard research organisms, including fruit flies and mice, that they use to study the evolutionary development (evo-devo) of animal lineages over time. Yet the more research organisms they can ...

How symbiotic bacteria adapt to big environmental changes

Studying the impact of the environment on animal evolution is no easy task, as most animals reproduce slowly and exhibit complex behaviors. However, microbiologists have an advantage: Bacteria reproduce rapidly, which makes ...

'Living fossils' are unique, not ancient, say researchers

The new measure, termed "evolutionary heritage," highlights the importance of unique species traits—which include physiological adaptations, like beak variations in different birds—when assessing the richness and complexity ...

Some species may better tolerate climate change than expected

A new model, developed by Ifremer and Lausanne University researchers and published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, reassesses the proportion of terrestrial and marine species threatened with extinction by climate ...

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Discovery of ancient rock impression suggests ability to form cornified skin goes back to early evolution of tetrapods
Plants & Animals
How killifish embryos use suspended animation to survive over 8 months of drought
Plants & Animals
Viper-mimicking snake from Asia is a unique branch in the reptile evolutionary tree
From wild to domesticated: Scientists reveal 100,000 years of continuous rice evolution
New fossils provide evidence for an 'Age of Monotremes'
Researchers reconstruct genome of extinct species of flightless bird that once roamed the islands of New Zealand
Plants & Animals
On repeat: Biologists observe recurring evolutionary changes, over time, in stick insects
New findings on fertility: Sperm can adapt to sexually transmitted microbes
Researchers reveal evolutionary origins of appetite by studying simple nervous system of Hydra
Study shows sexual parasitism helped anglerfish invade the deep sea during a time of global warming
Plants & Animals
Bigger is better: Male proboscis monkeys' enhanced noses evolved to attract mates, says study
Exploring diversity in cell division: Study investigates the process of evolution that supports diverse life cycles
Study finds widespread 'cell cannibalism' and related phenomena across tree of life
Researchers discover hidden step in dinosaur feather evolution
Researchers find unique adaptations of fungus associated with bee bread
A pest of our own making: Revealing the true origins of the not-so-German cockroach
Plants & Animals
Genetic drift, not natural selection, identified as main factor driving speciation in endangered pupfish species
New research suggests diverse headgear in hoofed mammals evolved from common ancestor
Cooperative hunting requires less brainpower than previously thought
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Study finds cloudy waters may drive African fish to develop bigger eyes

Other news

First map of outflows from nearby quasar I Zwicky 1
Plasma Physics
How does light interact with matter at extreme intensities, near the Schwinger limit?
Paleontology & Fossils
Siberia's 'mammoth graveyard' reveals 800-year human interactions with woolly beasts
Astrophysicists calculate the likelihood that Earth was exposed to cold harsh interstellar clouds 2 million years ago
General Physics
New study reveals brain's fractal-like structure near phase transition, a finding that may be universal across species
Astronomers observe giant outburst of a distant X-ray binary
Webb opens new window on supernova science
Fine-tuning leaf angle with CRISPR improves sugarcane yield
Analytical Chemistry
Splitting hairs: Research team applies science of biomechanics to understand our bad hair days
Textured tiles help endangered eels overcome human-made river obstacles, study shows
Lone star state: Tracking a low-mass star as it speeds across the Milky Way
Optics & Photonics
Novel quantum sensor breaks limits of optical measurement using entanglement
Webb Telescope reveals asteroid collision in neighboring star system
General Physics
New insights on the role of nucleon exchange in nuclear fusion
Optics & Photonics
'Quantum optical antennas' provide more powerful measurements on the atomic level
Wire-cut forensic examinations currently too unreliable for court, new study says
Planetary Sciences
Small, cool and sulfurous exoplanet may help write recipe for planetary formation
Compressed titanium and sulfur nanoribbons can transmit electricity without energy loss, scientists find
Plants & Animals
Study finds juvenile dolphins who play together are more successful as adults
Rapid approach to creating cyclic peptide opens the way for new antibiotics