
Researchers watch biomolecules at work

Scientists at the University of Bonn have succeeded in observing an important cell protein at work using a method that measures structural changes within complex molecules. The procedure makes it possible to elucidate such ...

The origin of linear magnetoresistance—exotic or classical?

New materials sometimes exhibit spectacular resistance phenomena, though the explanation does not always prove to be exotic. Physicists from the Nijmegen High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML) and the ETH in Zürich have demonstrated ...

Watson-powered robot aimed at aiding elderly and caregivers

IBM Research today announced the creation of the prototype IBM Multi-Purpose Eldercare Robot Assistant (IBM MERA) done in collaboration with Rice University. IBM MERA is a first of a kind Watson-enabled application designed ...

Why does Siberia get all the cool meteors?

In 1908 it was Tunguska event, a meteorite exploded in mid-air, flattening 770 square miles of forest. 39 years later in 1947, 70 tons of iron meteorites pummeled the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, leaving more than 30 craters. ...

Scientist pioneers novel ways to study endangered baleen whales

Although North Atlantic right whales, humpback whales and bowhead whales–all species of baleen whales–are some of the largest animals on Earth, they are also among the most critically endangered. These whales were hunted ...

Weather radar helps researchers track bird flu

The same weather radar technology used to predict rain is now giving UC researchers the ability to track wild birds that could carry the avian influenza virus. Avian influenza, which kills chickens, turkeys and other birds, ...

New tool for fighting wildlife trafficking

A new tool for fighting wildlife trafficking developed by a team led by a UC San Diego mechanical engineering alum has been selected as the overall winner of the inaugural global "Zoohackathon" sponsored by the U.S. Government's ...

Quality management (QM) leads to healthier small businesses

Many economists have surmised that the health of U.S. small businesses is key to the health of the U.S. economy. In fact, a Forbes article by Ian Shepherdson, "Small Businesses Are The (Missing) Key To A Full Economic Recovery," ...

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