
Why do flood defences fail?

More than 40,000 people were forced to leave their homes after Storm Desmond caused devastating floods and wreaked havoc in north-west England. Initial indications were that the storm may have caused the heaviest local daily ...

Revealing our political views in the way we talk

A Victoria University of Wellington linguistics graduand has found Wellingtonians may be giving away more about their political affiliations than they think when discussing politics.

A microscope that sees live cells in 3D

EPFL spin-off Nanolive has launched the 3D Cell Explorer, a microscope for observing living cells in 3D. This new tool could be a real boon for researchers in such areas as infertility.

Faster groundwater remediation with thermal storage

Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is more than a renewable energy source. The storage and extraction of heat and cold can remediate polluted groundwater ten times faster than existing technologies. PhD candidate Zhuobiao ...

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